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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Back after time out

Hi  sweet friends !

I have been absent for a while , I needed to take some time off and just be .
We actually took a week off both of us and went on a sunholiday : ) .
I felt so exhausted and tired and down , I was struggling with so many things .
What I was feeling Nan describes so well  in her latest post as an emotional overload - thats how I felt - I had to struggle to keep myself together , my pulse rate was high , my thoughts were just a mess .I used to wake up in the morning and feel how my heart was beating fast and I felt so stressed which is not how I normally am.

So we sent off  for the week , booked a nice last minute hotel  near the beach and just RELAXED ....
It took a few days for me to actually be able to relax but eventually even I started to enjoy the ocean , the pool , the sunshine , dinners  for two with Dave and just BE ....
Today we are back - I have missed  blogging and emailing my friends and I have a lot to catch up with but it feels good to have people to catch up with , I am so blessed to have met wonderful people that care.
I will write more later just wanted to give a sign of life   ; )


  1. Hello Sweet Friend!

    I am so happy that you have come back to us. But, more than anything, I'm happy that you and Dave took time to go and see the sun, rejuvenate the spirit and just "be" together. The beach always did so much good for my soul when I was hurting so deeply. So happy that you took this precious time together :)

    Know that I pray for you always and I'm cheering you on, as I have great FAITH in your journey.

    Much Love always...and my ear is always open to you.


  2. Glad you are back and glad you are well. Sending you HUGS and Love!

  3. So proud of you for getting away! Glad you could just 'be'! Glad you're home too and praying good things for you!!!
