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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Catch up w 40 +2

Hi ,

I havent blogged during my pregnancy as I thought I would do .
Part of it is that I have a demanding job and commute to work for 50 min each way .This combined with pregnancy makes you tired and the extra energy dissapears .
I also think I was afraid to document this pregnancy in case something would go wrong , I just could take one day at a time to keep my sanity .
I realized looking at my blog that it has been a place for me to come and write when I was sad and down , to get things out .
I do want it to have a happy end though and I just want to say  that today I am still  pregnant  , w 40+2 . two days past due date .
The baby is fine as far as we know , its kicking as it should and all ultrasound -examinations were normal.
We decided  not to find out the sex as we want a surprise .
The baby can arrive anytime and we have bought all the things a baby needs -  it took me some time to get there but  we made it in the end .( It has been very hard for me to buy baby -clothes and I postponed it for a long time before I could enjoy   shopping the little baby.outfits .)
I am a little worried that I am now two days after due date but I know that its quite normal to deliver after due date  when its your first pregnancy .
I am going to the midwife tomorrow so we will see what she says .
I hope so much I will have good news next time I write  : )
hugs   Angie


  1. Angie--What awesome news! Please don't be concerned about being overdue...those babies come when they want to. I can't wait to hear more good news from you!!!!
